Income and expenses of the client pay off on the basis of data of archive of operations as the sum of the corresponding income and expenses of correspondence with the transactions on the accounts, attributed to clients. All income and expenses in dollar and other currencies, received by bank at implementation of bank operations for the client, are considered in dollar an equivalent. At calculation of the received income all rates are considered as a percentage the annual.
In structure of the income at service of corporate clients join:
operating income (1) - the income of rendering of bank services to corporate clients in a cut of the main bank products, considered on accounts of dollar and currency balance of bank, including:
commissions and payment for dollar and currency;
income on documentary operations (letters of credit, guarantees, transfers, currency control, etc.);
income of conversion operations for the account and on the instructions of the client;
payment for collection;
percent, the commissions and the penalties received on operations of crediting in dollars and currency;
post and telecommunication services;
services on not to trading operations;
payment for broker service on securities market;
payment for rendering of consulting and other services;
the income of use of the involved means - net the client as credit resources (2).
The bank uses the following types of dollar (D_r) and the currency involved means (D_2) of the client as credit resources:
D_1.1, D_2.2 - so-so the quarter remains on settlement and current accounts taking into account overnight;
D_1.2, D_2.2 - the average remains of the means involved as providing under given-out guarantees, resources from covering accounts on documentary operations;
D_1.3, D_2.3 - the average remains of means from sale of debts of bank as a result of the conclusion with the client of contracts of sale of the depositary certificate, the bill;
D_1.4, D_2.4 - the average remains of the urgent resources received as a result of the conclusion with the client of bank of depositary contracts;
D_1.5, D_2.5 - the average remains of the means received as a result of sale of own bank shares to the client;
D_1.6, D_2.6 - the average remains of means from sale of bonds of the state savings loan;
the average remains on accounts of plastic cards;
the average remains under agreements on maintenance of not reduced rest.
In a case when with the client crediting operations (client borrower) were performed, a source of credit resources are the involved means - net the client, defined as a difference between the average total remains of the involved means of the client from the accounting of contributions to FOR and the average total rest of loan debt of the client in the reporting period. The income of use of resources of the client by bank (2) pays off as the sum of works of a dollar part of resources of the client (D_1) on average profitability on working dollar assets and a currency part of resources of the client in dollar an equivalent (D_2)
In structure of the income at service of corporate clients join:
operating income (1) - the income of rendering of bank services to corporate clients in a cut of the main bank products, considered on accounts of dollar and currency balance of bank, including:
commissions and payment for dollar and currency;
income on documentary operations (letters of credit, guarantees, transfers, currency control, etc.);
income of conversion operations for the account and on the instructions of the client;
payment for collection;
percent, the commissions and the penalties received on operations of crediting in dollars and currency;
post and telecommunication services;
services on not to trading operations;
payment for broker service on securities market;
payment for rendering of consulting and other services;
the income of use of the involved means - net the client as credit resources (2).
The bank uses the following types of dollar (D_r) and the currency involved means (D_2) of the client as credit resources:
D_1.1, D_2.2 - so-so the quarter remains on settlement and current accounts taking into account overnight;
D_1.2, D_2.2 - the average remains of the means involved as providing under given-out guarantees, resources from covering accounts on documentary operations;
D_1.3, D_2.3 - the average remains of means from sale of debts of bank as a result of the conclusion with the client of contracts of sale of the depositary certificate, the bill;
D_1.4, D_2.4 - the average remains of the urgent resources received as a result of the conclusion with the client of bank of depositary contracts;
D_1.5, D_2.5 - the average remains of the means received as a result of sale of own bank shares to the client;
D_1.6, D_2.6 - the average remains of means from sale of bonds of the state savings loan;
the average remains on accounts of plastic cards;
the average remains under agreements on maintenance of not reduced rest.
In a case when with the client crediting operations (client borrower) were performed, a source of credit resources are the involved means - net the client, defined as a difference between the average total remains of the involved means of the client from the accounting of contributions to FOR and the average total rest of loan debt of the client in the reporting period. The income of use of resources of the client by bank (2) pays off as the sum of works of a dollar part of resources of the client (D_1) on average profitability on working dollar assets and a currency part of resources of the client in dollar an equivalent (D_2)
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