Each person who has earned unlimited quantity of money to reflect on how them to keep, and it is even better to increase the savings. There is nobody not a secret that for this purpose and the banks accepting deposits of the population are created. In the majority people don't know, break a type of a contribution to them to choose. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, banks have the right to offer deposits of two main categories, namely deposits poste restante (rouble or the currency deposit), the contribution comes back according to the first requirement of the investor, and also fixed deposits, the contribution comes back on the expiration of the term defined in the contract.
Proceeding from the specified categories, banks form different types of deposits:
1. Accumulative deposits are percentage deposits which it is possible to fill up during all term of the contract. Usually, these deposits are offered within target programs. (For example, mortgage deposits).
2. Savings deposits are deposits of individuals, conditions and functions of this contribution are minimum, interest rates also not the high.
3. Settlement deposits are deposits in which it is possible to keep some control over the savings, that is in such deposits within the contract regular payment of percent is offered and it is possible to count the accumulation.
4. The specialized deposits offered by tanks for concrete categories of clients, usually pay off on already taken place clients of bank. Metal deposits are created for obtaining the income, playing on changes of cost of precious metals in the world markets, the Scheme such is, for example the investor, buys an ingot of precious metal from bank and leaves it on storage in bank, but the ingot thus doesn't see, and receives in the subsequent the income.
5. Indexed depositary products, are created for obtaining the income playing on changes of quotations of one of assets on world the markets.
6. Currency deposits it is usual deposits, but in one currency.
7. Multiple currency deposits the same currency deposits except that the currency can be different.
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