Direct marketing. General concepts

Direct marketing (direct marketing) – the interactive system of marketing providing direct contact to each buyer which is realized in the form of the individualized dialogue for receiving immediate return reaction. It is carried out by means of mail, phone, faxes, e-mail, the Internet and other means.
Direct marketing uses one or several mass media in an advertizing campaign to cause a measurable response and (or) the transaction in any sphere of business activity of firm, and these operations are brought in a database.

Direct marketing – constantly supported directed communications with certain consumers or the firms having obvious intentions to buy certain goods.
Direct marketing differs from other instruments of communication by that it passes intermediaries and retail sellers; use of direct marketing assumes contact to buyers for goods distribution directly; direct marketing relies on the advertizing demanding a direct response, instead of fact-finding advertizing.
The essence of a direktmarketing consists in establishment of long-term mutually advantageous and developing partnership between the producer and personally known consumers.

Advantages of direct marketing consist in the following:

  • has high aiming;
  • is excellent way of achievement of limited or niche audiences;
  • it is economic at work with small audiences, provides contact to the client "in private";
  • provides feedback with the client;
  • results give in to the measurement, all elements extremely flexible.

Shortcomings of direct marketing:

  • efficiency depends on accuracy of drawing up of a database;
  • often remains unnoticed because of information congestion of clients;
  • demands big expenses at work with large audience.

Tasks and functions of marketing department of bank

Functions - planning of marketing actions, their implementation, control and adjustment. Marketing helps with development of strategic plans of bank which, in turn, define a marketing role in bank.

The service of marketing of bank is guided by the consumer. However experts in marketing should reckon with opinion of other divisions and cooperate with them at development of the system of the plans providing achievement of the general strategic objectives of bank.

Realizing the role in bank, experts in marketing are involved in marketing process. In the center of attention of activity of the expert in marketing there is a client.

The bank divides the markets into segments and chooses for itself those from them which provide for it the best possibilities. Then the bank develops a marketing complex for the purpose of removal of the bank product and providing to it competitive advantages at the expense of effective positioning in the market. To develop the best marketing complex and successfully to realize it, the service of marketing of bank is engaged in the marketing analysis, marketing planning, marketing realization and marketing control.

For ensuring normal work in each direction on marketing it is necessary to begin with drawing up of the planning documents considering all services sector. The main part of the marketing plan includes the review of the plan of marketing actions, the market analysis, chances and threats, tasks and problems, marketing strategy, the action programs, the budget and control.

Transition process from marketing strategy to marketing actions includes three key moments: the action program defines the main tasks and the actions necessary for implementation of the marketing plan, with instructions of performers and terms of performance of work; the organizational structure defines tasks and powers of staff of service of marketing of bank, and also coordinates their efforts;

the system of decision-making and encouragement of service of marketing of bank coordinates such types of marketing activity, as planning, obtaining information, budget drawing up, compensation, encouragement and personnel training.

Well made action program, the debugged organizational structure and system of decision-making and encouragement provide effective implementation of the marketing plan.

Taking into account the entered concepts we will consider, with reference to the bank, developed in theories of marketing of model and methods of the analysis of behavior of buyers in the markets of potential clients consumers and corporate clients, and also specifics of their service. Allocation of two classes of clients is based on the following treatment of concepts of consumers and clients in classical marketing: "Consumers can be anonymous in relation to the company, clients anonymous can't be.

Consumers are served as a part of weight or as a part of a big segment; clients are served on an individual basis... consumers are served by somebody who can serve at present, clients are served... professional... working specially for them". As by the definition of the client of the bank accepted by us, given by classics of marketing, clients treat both "consumers", and "clients", for their distinction we will use the terms "clients consumers" and "corporate clients".

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