Banks as participants of securities market

Banks as participants of securities market represent itself as:

issuers, at issue of own stocks, bonds, certificates, bills, etc.;

investors, at acquisition of securities on its own behalf and at own expense;

brokers, at reception of securities from the client under the contract of the commission and sale to their new investor or acquisitions for the investor of demanded papers under the assignment contract;

dealers, upon purchase of securities at own expense or at the expense of the credit and resale to their investors;

the independent registrar, when maintaining the register of shareholders;

depositary, at the organization of the accounting of the rights and operations on movement of securities.

Banks as participants of the market of the credits concern with:

Central bank (Bank of Russia);

commercial banks (Russian and foreign);

legal entities and individuals served by them.

Segment of the market of the credits is the interbank credit market on which commercial banks periodically act in a role net - creditors and net - debtors. To the first banks where the sum of the provided interbank credits exceeds the sum involved, and treat the second - banks where the sum of the received credits exceeds the sum of the provided.

As participants of the currency market authorized banks represent itself as intermediaries between physical and legal entities at carrying out international payments, the credit and other monetary operations connected with acquisition or sale of foreign currency. In Russia it developed and the two-level currency market operates: exchange and off-exchange. In the exchange interbank currency market banks act as guarantors of calculations who are carried out thanks to mediation of the currency exchanges. At the second level banks directly contact among themselves.

From this short characteristic of bank as participant of the financial market contours of one of essential a component of its production activity (set of operations of bank in the financial market are outlined.

On a labor market work, and work services is on sale and bought not, the quantity and which quality depends on many factors - a professional standard of the worker, his qualification, experience, integrity and others. Purchase and sale of services of work acts in the form of hiring of the free worker under certain conditions, concerning duration of the working day, the sizes of a salary, functions and some others. For hiring the employer buys a right to use services of work of the seller, instead of the work which owner the hired worker continues to remain. Therefore in the standard expression "labor market" it is necessary to see category the market of services of work.

The markets of consumers of bank services - are understood in the edition as marketing category, that is set of available and potential buyers of a bank product.

The market of bank products - is understood as economic category, that is as the market on which object of purchase and sale is the bank product.

It should be noted that in view of variety of definitions of the market as economic category the sense of concrete treatment of this concept comes to light, as a rule, only from a context. This circumstance is necessary for considering in the analysis of various references on a banking perspective. market cost of available actions.

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