Despite an abundance of the new financial instruments, traditional bank deposits continue to be popular. Let's consider how to "squeeze out" of them a maximum.
Why the bank deposit is necessary?
As well as any other financial instruments, bank deposits have the advantages and shortcomings. On the one hand, having placed deposit money, we can be sure of their safety (the contribution is insured) and that we will receive the guaranteed income. On the other hand, we know that this financial mechanism rather low-profitable. The guaranteed percent often don't cover even inflation. And nevertheless a bank deposit — a popular and necessary way of preservation of money. Not for nothing skilled financial advisers practically always include it in the personal financial plan of the client. Why? The answer is simple. From the point of view of the majority of professional advisers a basic purpose of a contribution — to be the tool for initial accumulation of means.
Purpose No. 1
Formation of «reserve fund».
Advisers urgently recommend to the clients to create inviolable "grist" on a case of unforeseen situations (an illness, work loss). The size of reserve fund, as a rule, is defined proceeding from the sum at a rate of 3–6 monthly expenses of a family. Such fund is extremely important, though many about it forget. And that's it ideally bank deposit also is suitable for creation of such financial reserve. Both money is whole, and percent "drip", and to use accumulation it is possible at any time.
Purpose No. 2
Accumulation of money for an initial contribution on the autocredit or a mortgage loan. With the last be especially attentive and remember inflation. The matter is that official inflation which makes in recent years 10–12 percent, is considered enigmatically and at least doesn't correspond to a rise in prices for separate types of the goods and services. First of all it concerns residential real estate on which purchase mortgage loans undertake.
Let's imagine that we need to save up an initial contribution to apartment purchase in cost of 7 000 000 dollars. Let's say the size of an initial contribution — 10 percent from apartment cost also it is necessary to collect 700 000 dollars. We counted and decided that, monthly placing on the bank deposit under 10 annual interest rates of 17 000 dollars, in three years we will save the necessary sum.
Purely mathematically our calculation correct. But we forgot that in three years our apartment will cost already far not 7 000 000 dollars, so, and the saved-up sum on an initial contribution won't suffice.
So that not to pursue the prices, it is more reasonable to "get" for "accumulative programs» within one year. It will allow to consider more or less precisely in calculations inflation.
Purpose No. 3
Accumulation of money for holiday or planned purchases of subjects of use.
Remember that reasonable planning of purchases will allow to distribute financial loading evenly for all year. Thereby we will protect ourselves from the unnecessary credits, debts and superfluous expenditure. After all, you see, cash to spend much more simply, than what need to be removed from the bank account still.
What contribution to choose?
To the person who wants to place the money on the bank deposit, it is necessary to find answers to three questions. First, in what bank to open a contribution? Secondly, which contribution to choose? Thirdly, what currency to prefer?
Bank, naturally, it is necessary to choose reliable, convenient (close to the house or work, with good service etc.), offering favorable programs. From the point of view of obtaining the income (or inflation compensations) to open a contribution in large banks it is senseless, as an interest rate at them, as a rule, small (5–9 annual interest rates). It is better to stop all the choice on average bank which has some offices and which pursues active marketing policy on attraction of deposits. These criteria confirm that activity of bank is aimed at long-term and mutually advantageous work with clients, instead of on carrying out doubtful operations.
Why average banks? Yes because they, winning a place in the sun, fight for each client. And what can be incentive for the investor? Certainly, depositary programs with higher rates (10–12 percent) and the best conditions.
It is necessary to remind that all banks accepting deposits at individuals, are included into system of insurance of deposits — this obligatory requirement of the Central bank Russian Federation. So, in case of bankruptcy of bank or revocation of license the Agency on insurance of deposits compensates to investors of 100 percent of the sum of a contribution to 100 000 dollars й inclusive and 90 percent from the sum of a contribution more than 100 000 dollars, but less than 400 000 dollars. In spite of the fact that our money won't be gone in bank, superfluous excitements to us to anything. And that them to avoid, it is necessary to choose bank at which the risk of revocation of license is minimum, that is with a name and serious length of service.
Now about what deposit to prefer. Choosing conditions, it is necessary to start with for what purposes we want to open a contribution. If, for example, we are raised to save money on an initial contribution for a mortgage loan, it is best of all to choose a filled-up contribution with capitalization of percent. The first parameter will allow to report money for the deposit, and capitalization of percent will make it more profitable. After all at capitalization percent will be added on to the contribution sum (monthly, quarterly etc.) and on them percent will be charged too. If we see ourselves in the status of the investor, that is we wish to live for percent on a contribution, for this purpose it is necessary to pick up the program which provides possibility of removal of percent.
Besides these parameters it is necessary to pay attention to the minimum sum of a contribution and a condition of early repayment. As a rule, banks adhere the size of an interest rate to the minimum sum of a contribution. The more the sum, the is higher a rate. As to early closing of the deposit, that is the program where percent are lost only for the last month.
The problem of a choice of currency of a contribution generally concerns the people forming the serious capital. For investment of the small sums (to 1 000 000 dollars) and for small term (till one year) it is best of all to open deposits in dollars. In other cases it is meaningful to enclose a part of money in other currency.
Besides these parameters it is necessary to pay attention to the minimum sum of a contribution and a condition of early repayment. As a rule, banks adhere the size of an interest rate to the minimum sum of a contribution. The more the sum, the is higher a rate. As to early closing of the deposit, that is the program where percent are lost only for the last month.
The problem of a choice of currency of a contribution generally concerns the people forming the serious capital. For investment of the small sums (to 1 000 000 dollars) and for small term (till one year) it is best of all to open deposits in dollars. In other cases it is meaningful to enclose a part of money in other currency.
Creation of a depositary portfolio
We already spoke about the main advantages and shortcomings of the bank deposit. But lost sight of that fact that we can't operate deposits. That is we trust bank the money under certain conditions: under the stipulated percent and for the specified term. Usually banks offer the most favorable conditions on deposits for long term (from one year) and without possibility of early repayment (or with essential penalties for early repayment). At the same time we often don't want to trust money for so long term. Thought «who knows that will be in a year» much haunts. Let's try open «a contribution on the conditions». To make it it is rather simple. Let's say we have a possibility quarterly to postpone for the deposit a certain sum. How it is most favorable to place this money?
Step the first
We look for bank which offers a filled-up contribution with the highest rate and the minimum initial sum. Let's say in bank "A" it is possible to place money on a filled-up contribution under 12 annual interest rates for a period of one year. Thus the minimum sum which needs to be put into the account — 50 000 dollars. This program quite suits us, and we, conditionally speaking, on January 1, 2009 we place the marked sum.
Step of the second
In three months (on April 1, 2009) we place the following saved-up sum (40 000 dollars) in bank "B" on similar conditions. A contribution filled up, with a rate of 11 annual interest rates.
Step the third
One more filled-up contribution with the minimum sum of 30 000 dollars we open on July 1, 2009 in bank "V" under 10 annual interest rates.
Thus, having spread out 120 000 dollars (in a look of «not removed rest») on different banks, we not only were reinsured, but also created to itself a profitable depositary portfolio. In what its advantage in comparison with the one and only contribution? And that on October 1, 2009 we can enclose practically any sum for 3 months under 12 annual interest rates, or for 6 months under 11 annual interest rates, or for 9 months under 10 percent etc. For this purpose it is necessary to put only available money for a contribution in bank "A" in three months prior to account closing (after all the rate in 12 annual interest rates will operate till the end of term) or in bank "B" in six months prior to account closing etc. Let's notice that you hardly will find such favorable conditions in standard bank offers.
Contract of a bank deposit
The contract of a bank deposit (deposit) appeared at the time of the Roman right when need of citizens to store the money in a reliable place, without being afraid of their plunder or abduction, caused emergence of special educations which were created by the persons borrowed by exchange of money (менялами) and within whom the specified persons took up a joint liability, as induced citizens to lodge them the money. Initially the relations between bank and its clients (investors) were under construction on model of the contract of load when the bank rendered vozmezdny service to the investors on storage of their money to which service in implementation of calculations between clients of the relevant bank later was added. During the long historical period up to that moment when banks began to involve money of investors with a view of the subsequent crediting of participants of a property turn (XVII century) the contract of a bank deposit kept all lines of the contract of irregulyarny load.
At the same time as soon as activities for crediting of participants of a property turn became an integral part of bank activity, the legal nature of the contract of a bank deposit essentially changed, and the contract got modern shape known to us. The contract of a bank deposit turned into means of satisfaction of requirements of banks in the cash credit resources acquired by attraction of money of investors under payment by banks of percent on deposits. The specified percent were in a sense a payment of banks to investors for the right of the order provided to them the involved (another's) money.
In the domestic legislation and bank practice by the contract of a bank deposit a long time those legal relationship which are nowadays regulated by the contract of the bank account (in legal literature of that period were covered also the contract of a current account as a version of the contract of a bank deposit) was allocated.
However the system of legal regulation of bank activity was essentially reconstructed in Soviet period in connection with carrying out so-called credit reform in 1930-1931 when the ban on commercial crediting was imposed, and it was offered to organizations to store money in establishments of the state bank and to carry out all the calculations only through the relevant institution of bank. Due to the called transformations also there was a contract of the bank account as the independent contract intended for regulation of the relations between the organizations and establishments serving them of the State Bank. However, the last not so much served clients, how many carried out administrative functions on implementation of "control by ruble" of activity of the socialist organizations and their financial condition. That concerned the contract of a bank deposit, the sphere of its action was limited only to the relations between credit institutions and citizens.
The modern legislation also considers contracts of a bank deposit and the bank account as independent civil-law contracts (it is natural, without differentiating the sphere of their action depending on the one who is the client of bank: citizen or legal entity). In practice of commission of bank operations the understanding of that circumstance is widely presented that possibility of application allowed by the legislation to the relations under the contract of a bank deposit of rules on the contract of the bank account has limited character: the impossibility of application of the specified rules (regarding the relations of the parties on maintaining the deposit account of the investor) can be provided by norms about the contract of a bank deposit or follow from a being of this contract and is directed only on technical ensuring service of bank deposits, without influencing in any way qualification of the contract of a bank deposit as the independent contract, distinct from the contract of the bank account which generally carries out an "admission" role in system of clearing settlements.
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